Sneaker Freaker The Best Of 2014

2014 was another big year for sneakers! As popularity reached new heights, we were inundated with sneaker releases every week as the hype machine went into overdrive to satisfy demand. Check out which sneakers have made the list for 2014.
2014 has easily been the most intense year for sneakers, with a barrage of releases being thrown into the market place every week. Every weekend offers a multitude of product from every brand, not to mention the re-emergence of brands that have in some cases been resurrected like Lazarus.
Pondering over which brand claimed the biggest stake this year is no fickle consideration, as the bar has been raised due to the plethora of product. What was once considered the pinnacle is now just the standard. To stand out amongst the noise you really have to exceed those levels and offer a continual portfolio of releases which appeals to all aspects of sneaker culture; from the hype new generation to the discerning older, more disillusioned sneaker vets. Everyone from the casuals to the hip hoppers and the hipsters have to be catered for, as the diversity of the sneaker aficionado has increased remarkably.
It has to be said that there is only one real contender for my shoe of the year. A shoe that shares some of the qualities of the close contenders and other attributes that marks it out as unique amongst all the collaboration noise. A shoe which has a story that we’ve only dreamed of, a shoe which stands out due to its genuine qualities and doesn’t require any hype to gain merit. This shoe harks back to more innocent times where the measure of how good something is was based on quality, honesty and integrity. A shoe which inspired its creators to offer a new approach to design that bore reverence to its source material, whilst making something so retro look contemporary, as if it were trapped within a pocket dimension, always remaining perennial, never ageing, never growing, never diminishing in status. A shoe that looks at home on the terraces in the seventies. A shoe that looks at home on the streets of today in every inner city. A shoe that is safe on the block. A shoe that is aggressive, sharp and yet sleek in profile. A shoe that is dapper, which doesn’t require a myriad of colour options or materials. That shoe for me is the adidas Boston SPZL.
Check out the rest of the list atSNEAKER FREAKER.