Express yourself with your clothing choices

Dress to impress, they used to say.

But we believe that is possibly too simple.

Because that means always wearing what other people tell you is right.  Society does this to us all the time.  From your Nan telling you to take your snapback off when you visit her house, to the office manager telling you that you are not so good at your job if you wear a designer tee shirt.

We love things that are unusual.  But mostly, things that are your choice.  It is a great freedom, it is the big social fashion change that fuels the growth of Streetwear.

It is fun.  Going to your collection and picking out the thing that is you today. 

Waven jacket

Contacting Us

We welcome contact from you here at OrangeZone

  1. You can telephone us on 01865 600365
  2. You may write to us at Orangezone, 63 Viewpoint, Consett Business Park, Consett, County Durham, DH8 6BN
  3. You can email us at
  4. You may fill out the contact form here on this website.

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