Are Tee Shirts for ever?

Depending on who you ask, and what you decide was the first tee shirt, tee shirts were invented somewhere between 1870 and 1920. Certainly, the first person to use the term was a guy called F.Scott Fitzgerald in a novel in 1920.
Whichever view you take, it was not last week. The Tee shirt has lasted a long time.
And it is bigger today than at any time. It has branched out, it has added new ways of doing a tee shirt.
It has, in addition, become a proper fashion item. With some real class.
It is not surprising, really. A tee shirt is comfortable. A good tee shirt looks smart. The variety is just immense. The tee shirt can sit with a range of other items - look, people even wear tee shirts with suits, and to be frank, a tee shirt with your suit probably looks smarter than a collar and tie. And it is certainly more comfortable.
The question then, is this, simple one. Have we arrived at the perfect bit of clothing? Is there, in fact, no need to invent a new thing, and we can just go on having more amazing tee shirts for ever?
We reckon you could. That is our opinion. A hugely biased one, obviously, but for sure in my lifetime and yours I do not expect to see the tee shirt disappear.